Care and Support

In addition to our Safe Church Policy, there are several ways in which we can care for one another.  The Spring Glen Church Prayer Chain, and our network of caregivers are available to all...

Prayer Chain

Members of the Prayer Chain include your concerns in their intercessory prayers. Prayer request cards are available in the entry and pew racks; the cards may be placed in offering plate or mailed to the office. These requests are confidential and are not named in the Prayer Concerns during worship. If you want a Prayer Concern mentioned during worship, a prayer request card can be filled out and passed to the ushers during the first hymn.

Meals and Wheels

If you need a ride to church, please call the church office.  We will coordinate a ride, either with public transportation or a church member.  Also, if an emergency leaves you needing a meal for your family, please let us know.  We have volunteers who's ministry is providing a needed meal during a troubling time for our anyone in our family of faith.

Lay Caregivers

Our pastors visit elderly and hospitalized parishioners regularly and are assisted by Lay Caregivers. These volunteers receive training and ongoing guidance from the pastors. We also have a list of people who will provide rides to medical appointments and send in meals in times of illness or bereavement.

All those representing the Spring Glen Church while doing such things as home visitations and/or providing rides are required to adhere to Safe Church Policy.

Meals to Heal

A small group of members meet once a month in the church kitchen to prepare food that they, the pastors, or Lay Caregivers take to someone who needs a little help with meals or maybe just a plate of freshly-baked cookies! This ministry is funded by the Board of Deacons and the Spring Glen Church Women.

Funeral/Memorial Service Planning Forms Available From Pastors

The Spring Glen Church Funeral/Memorial Service form gives you an opportunity to list favorite scripture, hymns, etc. to serve as a guide to your loved ones so that they can follow your wishes for funeral arrangements. For information on the Spring Glen Church Memorial Garden contact Ron Offutt.
