Children & Youth

Children's Chapel Prayer

Almighty God our friend and companion,
We praise you for your constant love and guidance.
We admit that we do not always follow your commandments and the lessons Jesus has taught us.
We thank you for our families - brothers, sisters, grandmas and grandpas, and our pets.
We welcome and rejoice the arrival of new members to our families.
We love them and ask that you be with them and bless them.
We need your help because sometimes we do not know what to do
or how to change things once they have gone wrong.  Help us to do our best.
We pray for people everywhere that are in need.
For families who have no homes to sleep in every night or no cars to get to the store or work, for people who are sick and for teenagers and children who need your love.
We pray to you with open hearts.  Amen.

The prayer above was written by the children during a chapel service.


Agape Meal: Learning, Feasting, and Worshiping together

The Great Hall was transformed this afternoon to serve our "Agape," or "love feast," a fellowship meal that recalls the meals Jesus shared with the disciples during his ministry. The meal we shared was integrated with elements of worship, in much the same way the early church would have shared in its life together. There were elements that recalled the Seder...
