Featured Events

Please also visit our past events stories using the links to the right for previous years events. >>


"Come to the Waters" Women’s Retreat - Announcment

Come to the Waters   - A Retreat for Women of the Church
March 29-31 Incarnation Center, Deep River, CT
Healing waters, deep waters, well waters, rough waters, still waters and waters of Baptism… With just these few words you can see that the theme of water is a rich one for our...

Jennifer McCleery's Ordination

Annual Meeting

Notice of Annual Meeting & Second Hour

The Spring Glen Church Annual Meeting will be held immediately after worship on Sunday, January 27, 2019 to receive and vote on the budget for 2019, in addition to Vision Committee, recommendations for the use of Ministry and Building Endowment income.  If bad weather interferes, the meeting...

Advent/Christmas! Details and Explanations.

Christmas Eve services will be at 5pm and...

Advent Festival! Sunday December 2

Come Join Us!!!

Join the festivities with your family & friends! Enjoy crafts, a hymn sing to many of the traditional and favorites hymns as well as a skit in the sanctuary.  Fun for children and adults.  Festivities followed by a chance to enjoy a festive potluck supper and social time!  Share your special main course, salad or...
