Lent 2016: Essentials for the Journey

When you can choose only one thing to take with you, what do you bring?

The season of Lent is a journey.  It is prefaced with the Transfiguration of Jesus; it begins with Ash Wednesday, and it ends with the powerful events of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and the Glory of Easter.  In between Ash Wednesday and Easter an invitation arises for a contemplative walk on our Christian journey.  This year, the invitation encourages us to think about what is essential to us in our faith, our family life, our worship and our lives as Christian sojourners.   There will be opportunities to reflect on these, and other questions, during worship, at home and in the many programs and events that are planned for this season.  May this journey be blessed.  May we each find a deepening of our faith and fellowship as the journey unfolds.

Calendar of Activities

February 8- 14: Abraham's Tent

February 10:   Ash Wednesday - Conjoint worship service with Hamden churches. Held this year at Mt Carmel UCC 7:30pm. A smaller service to be held in the Great Hall for the visitors from Abraham's Tent at 7:30.

February 18: Book Discussion - "My Grandfather's Blessings" 7pm in Fellowship Room

February 24:  Blood Drive 1:15-7:15 GH

February 27: Progressive Dinner - Read more here

February 28:  Second Hour - Helping Refugees, 11:30 FR

March 6:  Special Worship Service in Great Hall. Read more here.

March 6:  Second Hour: "Essentials at the End of Life," Dr. Chad Marion, 11:30 FR

March 11-13:  Annual Women's Retreat, Incarnation Center, Deep River, CT. Read more here.

March 20: Palm Sunday worship 10am in the Sanctuary, followed by a pancake breakfast in the Great Hall, served by The Jesus Squad.

March 24:   Maundy Thursday, Soup dinner, Tenebrae service, 6pm Great Hall

March 25:   Good Friday Worship 7:30pm in the Sanctuary

March 27: Easter Sunday Read more here.

