A message from the Senior Pastor Search Committee

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A wonderful spread!
We had a great turnout ...
... and had an animated discussion
We would like to thank everyone who gave up part of a beautiful Fall day to work with us last Sunday during the first of two congregational meetings. We had around 50 participants for this first hour-long meeting, which produced a great deal of useful information that we will be able to refer to while building the church profile over the coming weeks. Building the profile is the main remaining step that needs to be completed before we can start accepting applications, so the information you provided at the meeting will be put to very good use. Thank you! Many thanks also to Fellowship Hour hosts Katharine Healy, Debbie & John Carpenter, Ruth & Roger Johnson, and Kurt & Debby Jagielow, who prepared a wealth of edible goodies for the occasion.

If you were not able to attend Sunday's meeting (or if you attended but wish to continue the conversation), we will repeat the meeting this coming Sunday, October 26th, directly after workship in the Fellowship Room.
