Christmas Eve 2020

Dear SGC Members & Friends,
We have online options for Christmas Eve starting at 10am. For our in-person option, there will be an outdoor self-guided Nativity Promenade available 4pm-11pm. Here are some additional FAQs:
1. Memorial Poinsettias?
2. Christmas Eve Special Offering?
3. What's the deal with the Nativity Promenade thing?
4. Links for Worship?
5. Any other questions?

Here are the answers:
1. Are we doing Memorial Poinsettia like usual?
Backstory: Usually we ask our members to purchase poinsettias to help us decorate the sanctuary for Christmas Eve and then we list the names of those you wish to remember or honor in our bulletin. This year, with no poinsettias to purchase, simply email the "in memoriam" or "in honor" note you would have put in the bulletin and we'll include it in the Christmas Eve worship video.
2. Is there going to be a special offering collected on Christmas Eve like usual?
YES! CHRISTMAS EVE SPECIAL OFFERING COLLECTION: the CT Food Bank, the Pension Board's Christmas Fund, and SGC
Backstory: Usually we split our Christmas Eve offering three ways – Spring Glen Church, the Pension Board's Christmas Fund, and a charity of the Benevolence Committee's choosing.
This year, we invite you to give directly to those organizations.
You can click here to donate to CT Food Bank directly online.
You can click here to donate to the Pension Board's Christmas Fund
And you can give to SGC by donating online or mailing a check or dropping it off when you come for the Nativity Promenade. Speaking of which....
3. How does the in-person self-guided nativity thing work?
SIGN UP FOR A TIME SLOT for the in-person self-guided Nativity Promenade
This will help us more easily spread out and maintain safe social distance, please click on this link to let us know which time slot you plan to come. The link also has an explanation of what the Nativity Promenade is, social distancing rules, and details for inclement weather plans.
4. Where are the links for Sunday morning worship and Christmas Eve Worship?
Links for worship are always posted on the top of the home page of our church's website
We always post links in our Friday church-wide email for the Sunday morning services. Worship this Sunday at 10am will include our virtual pageant.
We will send a special email next Wednesday with links to the Christmas Eve service. The Christmas Eve worship service will premier at 10am on Facebook, YouTube, and Google Meet. It will be available all day on Facebook & YouTube. It will be re-broadcast on Google Meet at 5pm.
And if you somehow miss all of that, you can always go to our Facebook page or our YouTube channel and find the latest video. Like & Subscribe to make sure you can easily find all the clips.
5. Any other questions?
We know it's a little unnerving how different everything is this year. So there are no dumb questions. We've tried to strike a balance between adjusting to the pandemic reality while maintaining a sense of tradition and familiarity. But still, we know it can be confusing. So send us any other questions that might pop up.

Rev Jack Perkins Davidson

