Strategic Plan APPROVED!

Issue Date: 
Oct 2022
Summer Issue: 
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We are a congregation firmly committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but instead of insisting on any single interpretation we invite each other to share his/her/their own faith and spirituality so that the whole body may be nurtured mutually.

We are an Open and Affirming congregation welcoming persons of any age, race, sexual orientation, nationality, economic circumstance, or physical or mental ability.  "God accepts all the do we."

Worship Services begin at 10 a.m. Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of every month. Children begin the morning in the sanctuary with their families and after the Children's Message they go with their teachers to Sunday School. Infant/toddler care provided every week.


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 Other News

Meet Reverend Jack Perkins Davidson


Solar Panels Installed!

In about 2007, Nancy Dittes led a research effort to determine the viability of installing a solar panel system on the roof of the church in efforts to lower our utility bills and reduce our carbon footprint. Affordability held us back. Then in 2011, Roger Johnson put the idea back on the plate for the House Committee after he learned about Zero Emission Renewable...

Weather-Related Closings

We are registered with TV stations WVIT, NBCconnecticut and WTNH, News 8.  Please check with those stations when the weather is questionable, to see if Spring Glen Church is on the list of closings.  You can also check this website.

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