Strategic Plan APPROVED!

Issue Date: 
October 2022
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UPDATE: At our January 29, 2023 Annual Meeting, the congration voted to approve SGC's Strategic Plan as written! A Strategic Plan Launch Team has been formed and begun work on a proposal for staff & volunteer leadership structures to align with our approved Strategic Plan.



Dear Fellow Members of the Spring Glen Church Family,

We are excited to share the linked Strategic Plan! We hope you will review it, paying particular attention to pages 7-10 (Goals and Strategies), and then take advantage of at least one of three opportunities to provide feedback and be in dialogue:

WRITTEN – Email the Task Force via by November 6

IN-PERSON – Attend in-person discussion after worship on November 6; snacks and child care provided

ONLINE – Attend online discussion Thursday, November 10, at 7pm on Google Meet

This plan, whose main thrusts are summarized in the accompanying diagrams, was crafted over the last six months as we absorbed congregation-wide inputs, diagnosed our current realities, discussed our endless potentials, gave shape to our shared dreams, and articulated our ambitious feasibilities. On October 11, Council gave its approval for the draft, which we believe provides a faithful roadmap to a vital future for Spring Glen Church.
We hear God calling our church to stay true to what currently defines and distinguishes Spring Glen Church while we continue to evolve over the next five years approaching our 100th anniversary in 2029—connecting more deeply, experimenting more boldly, and loving more effusively. Knowing that different pieces of this puzzle will resonate with each individual member, we want to know what in the plan excites you to the point of exclaiming, “I can’t wait to be THAT church!!”
Your feedback this month will ready us for a congregational vote during the January 29 Annual Meeting, at which point the church will seek congregation-wide engagement and assistance turning these overarching goals and multi-year strategies into concrete action and sustainable progress.

In Gratitude, faith, and service,
Members of the Strategic Planning Task Force
Ray Andrewsen, JaQuan Beachem, Carolyn Cary, Rev Jack Perkins Davidson, Nancy Dittes, Heather Jessen, Andri Smith, Emily Smith, and Terri Lee Waller
