Meals and Wheels
If you need a ride to church, please call the church office. We will coordinate a ride, either with public transportation or a church member. Also, if an emergency leaves you needing a meal for your family, please let us know. We have volunteers whose ministry is providing a needed meal during a troubling time. If you would like to join this list of on-call volunteers, please contact the church office.
Lay Caregivers
Our pastors visit elderly and hospitalized parishioners regularly and are assisted by Lay Caregivers. These volunteers receive training and ongoing guidance from the pastors. If you would like to learn more about being a Lay Caregiver, or if you know someone who might like the company of a Lay Caregiver, please speak to one of the ministers. You can contact our care coordinator Karis Slattery or the church office at 203-288-3381.
Columbus House Meals
Shop, cook, or serve with us:
Meals for Martha’s Place
A woman to woman initiative to provide a hot meal and warm hospitality for female shelter residents. You can prepare a meal and help serve if you like- or coordinate with a group of friends. We serve a meal every Wednesday evening at Martha’s Place women’s shelter. We companion about 20 very appreciative women who normally must cook for themselves with limited funds. Contact Carolyn Cary or Sue Spight
Abraham’s Tent
For a week each winter, Spring Glen Church serves as an overflow shelter for 12 men from Columbus House. You can cook and serve dinner, provide evening fellowship and conversation, provide overnight assistance, or cook breakfast.
Food Collection for the Hamden Food Bank
Food is received every week (but especially on Communion Sundays, the first Sunday of the month) for the Hamden Food Bank. There is also a container for cash offerings on the food box in the narthex.
Various collections for food items and supplies
Several times during the year collections are coordinated for food items, pet food, diapers and other supplies to help support the Town of Hamden and various soup kitchens and food pantries. Please check the entry way regularly to see how you can help.
Give Gifts
Backpacks, Holiday Gifts, Spring Baskets, Household Items
Working with The Town of Hamden Youth Services and Covenant to Care, we donate essential items to families in need. We also sponsor an apartment through Christian Community Action and help families living in the various shelters and housing offerings run by both Columbus House and New Reach (formerly New Haven Home Recovery).
Give Time
Give the Gift of Life
Interfaith Blood Drive
Twice yearly (February and June) blood drives jointly sponsored by