The Spring Glen Church Sunday School program is offered to all children from toddlers thru Grade 8. Parents of infants may tend to their children in the Nursery which is located off the Entryway. The worship service is piped into the Nursery and the Deacons will offer parents in the Nursery Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
Toddlers may be dropped off directly to the Toddler Room which is located across from the Fellowship Room on the main level prior to 10:00 am. Our toddler room teacher is a paid, authorized professional child care provider. She will be assisted by a rotating member of our Toddler Room Ministry Team. Children may be picked up following worship.
Sunday School children begin the morning with their families in the sanctuary for the 10:00 am worship service. The children stay in the sanctuary until after the Children’s Message. Each week the pastors will lead a Children’s Message where children are invited to the front of the Sanctuary for an age-appropriate lesson. Then they and their teachers walk together to their classes. Children aged pre-K thru Grade 6 have their classes downstairs in the Sunday School rooms. The 7/8 graders meet in the Fellowship Room on the main level. Following worship, parents may pick up their children in their classrooms.
On the first Sunday of each month, worship includes Communion. On these days, children from pre-K thru Grade 6 are dismissed from the Sanctuary to meet with the Christian Education Coordinator for a lesson in Noah’s Chapel. Students from Grades 7/8 remain in worship with their families. After the lesson in Noah’s Chapel, children rejoin their families in the sanctuary to partake in Communion.
Our Sunday School program year runs from September thru June. The program year is divided into three trimesters. There are a few Sundays during the year when there is no formal Sunday School. Please check our website calendar for specific dates.
A Summer Sunday School program is held for 8 weeks during the summer months. This program is for children aged pre-K thru Grade 6. All the children meet together and share a common lesson.
Spring Glen Church adheres to a Safe Church policy which requires two adults be present whenever children are in the care of adults at church-sponsored activities including Sunday School. For this reason, there are always two adults present in the Toddler Room. The Christian Education Coordinator will visit each class several times during a Sunday morning to ensure that all the children are safe and participating in an atmosphere conducive to learning.