Raised at the First Congregational Church of Greenwich, Jack Perkins Davidson first felt the call to ministry as a teenager in a very active youth ministry. He then attended Colby College studying Music, World Religion, and Math. He went straight through to Harvard Divinity School where he took part in a special program examining the way religious studies and public education intersect in our pluralistic society.
Jack worked as the Ministerial Intern at the historic Old South Church in downtown Boston. He co-led a weekly evening Jazz service and ran a ministry for young adults in their 20s and 30s. Before he was the intern at Old South, he sang in the choir, which is where he met his wife Laura. Both share a passion for music and the outdoors.
Jack served from 2011-2016 as Associate Minister at the First Church of Christ, Congregational in Redding, CT. In that role, he started a number of thriving and creative ministries from a Youth Intern program to an Online Adult Education course that have all helped invigorate Redding’s spiritual and communal growth.
At the same time, Jack has built a significant public presence. His blog ChurchvSports.org has garnered national attention covering topics on church vitality and youth ministry. His music project MotherHenMusic.org has gained a small audience online. He currently serves as Treasurer on the Board of Directors for the Racial Justice Ministries of the Connecticut Conference.
Jack’s history includes time as a chaplain at Maine Medical Center, work as a Youth Ministries Coordinator in college, and an extensive amount of time working in Outdoor Ministry at camps in Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, and Minnesota.
He loves preaching, campfires on the church lawn, and dreaming up wild experiments in ministry. You may often find him with an instrument or a cup of tea in hand, talking enthusiastically about the future of the church.