Series on Guns and Gun Violence in March & April

Gun control advocate and Spring Glen Church member, Angie Schriever, will lead a series on guns and gun violence for Spring Glen Church.  We encourage you to attend the first of the three-part series, the screening of the film Living for 32 at the Unitarian Society of New Haven, on Friday, March 4.  Angie will give a second hour presentation on Sunday, April 3 and then guide us through the screening of Making A Killing at Spring Glen on April 7.  Our sincere thanks to Angie for offering to lead us through this important and timely topic.
  1. Film, Living for 32March 4, Unitarian Society, 700 Hartford Turnpike, Hamden.  Potluck 6:30, Film 7:15.  Living for 32 is the inspirational story of Colin Goddard, a survivor of the gun massacre at Virginia Tech in April 2007 that left 32 dead and 17 injured.  In Living for 32 Colin shares the account of what he and his classmates endured and the courageous journey of renewal, hope, and action he chose to pursue after his recovery.
  2. Presentation, Toward Safer Gun LegislationApril 3, Fellowship Room.  11:30-12:30.  Angie will give an overview on gun violence in this country.  Angie's presentation seeks to raise awareness and includes information on existing and proposed State and federal gun and ammunition laws as well as the most effective and efficient ways on making your voice heard for change.  A handout with phone numbers, email addresses, petition websites, and gun control advocacy groups will be available.
  3. Film, Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRAApril 7, Fellowship Room.  Pizza/salad 6:30, Film 7:00.  This film, produced by the company Brave New Films, tells the story of how guns - and the billions made off them - affect the lives of everyday Americans.  It features personal stories from survivors and victims' families across the country.  The film exposes how the powerful gun companies and the NRA resist any responsible legislation for the sake of profit - and what we can do to put an end to this crisis. Please RSVP to Melissa at if you plan to attend so sufficient food may be ordered.