Would you like to get better acquainted with some of your fellow members while contributing to the ministry of Spring Glen Church? We have countless opportunities for you to serve! The Spring Glen Church Nominating Committee, which is charged with matching people with opportunities to serve on the various boards / committees, has begun its work.
Short descriptions of the various boards/committees follow.
If you feel called to serve in any of these areas, please contact any member of the Nominating Committee: Alice White (chair), Barbara Hobbs, Anne Dembinski, and Christine McRoberts.
Aids the Pastors in determining the character of public worship, forms, and rites, and assists them in caring for the spiritual life of the congregation. Deacons endeavor to make sure that every event at the church runs smoothly -- this includes regular worship as well as special events such as weddings or funerals. Deacons welcome new members, coordinate ushers, accept responsibility for all in-discernment candidates for ministry, recruit greeters, deliver flowers at Easter and Christmas to those who have experienced loss in the past year, assist with baptisms, prepare and serve Holy Communion, and participate in Christmas, Lenten, and other special services such as Maundy Thursday, Confirmand Sunday and receptions.
Manages the assets of the church, prepares and monitors the church annual budget, places and monitors investments and endowments, contracts and maintains insurance for the church, develops and monitors facility usage, and develops and monitors policies to coordinate church personnel matters.
Guides the educational ministry of the church by supporting the children’s church school, confirmands, youth group, adult education, and intergenerational activities. The committee provides oversight and leadership around educational opportunities that encourage and nurture the life-long process of faith formation.
Creates, facilitates and organizes individual and group service opportunities to work directly with those in need. Activities include: community forums, providing holiday gifts and food baskets for families, service work days and intergenerational service trips, shelter meal preparation and serving and various drives for needed supplies. Among the organizations served: Columbus House, New Haven Home Recovery women’s shelters, Hamden Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, Covenant to Care, Christian Community Action and the Ella B. Scantlebury Senior Residence.
Ensure that Spring Glen Church is represented at local, area and state wide UCC meetings including meetings of the New Haven Association and the CT Conference of the United Church of Christ. Delegates also have the privilege of reading prospective Candidate’s ordination papers, and attending locally-held Ecclesiastical Councils for those seeking approval for ordination.
Provides a welcoming atmosphere, fellowship and refreshment following the Sunday worship service. Fellowship Hour Ambassadors assist the families who are hosting Fellowship Hour by answering questions and providing support as needed. Ambassadors serve approximately once every six weeks.
Responsible for allocating the yearly Benevolence budget and special offerings to social service agencies and UCC initiatives. The committee responds, on behalf of the congregation, to emergencies such as natural disasters and provides periodic “Moment for Mission” talks on Sundays to educate the congregation on both needs and results, locally and internationally. This committee reviews agencies and applicants for support to assess their work, goals and accomplishments, and verify the use of our church gifts.
Maintains, repairs, secures and improves the building and grounds. Members can work on projects by themselves or on special work days or evenings. Often people outside the committee are recruited for a specific project. Members also share oversight of work hired out to contractors. Members with experience in building and the repair trades would be very helpful.
Supports and coordinates the musical programs of the church, enhancing the worship of the church through music. It is responsible for the use, care and repair/maintenance of all musical instruments, purchasing of hymnals and overseeing the care of the choir robes.