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The Spring Glen Church Calendar is easy to view and print. Just click on the link above to see the calendar through If the event is held in the church building, the listing begins with the room location, using the following abbreviations:
BM = Basement
CR = Choir Room
FR = Fellowship Room
GH = Great Hall
IR = Infant Room
N = Nursery
NC = Noah's Chapel
OC = Off Campus
PJ = Pastor Jack's Office
PC = Pastor Clare's Office
S = Sanctuary
CL = Class Rooms
So 7:30p FR: Deacons means that the Deacons meeting is being held in the Fellowship Room at 7:30pm. The calendar may be viewed in Month or Agenda views by clicking the tabs on the top of the calendar.
To subscribe your personal google calendar to the church calendar, click here:
The Google Calendar is continually updated. To request items be added to the calendar, church members and community groups should contact Melissa Parnoff at The church council will review and approve all church events at its monthly meeting on 2nd Mondays.