Featured Events

Please also visit our past events stories using the links to the right for previous years events. >>


Spring Glen Knitting and Needlework Group

Please join the Spring Glen Knitting and Needlework Group for fun and fellowship.  This year we are meeting in the Fellowship Room on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 pm.  Our next will be held on Thursday, September 30.  If you would like any additional information, please contact Diane Hirsch at j.hirsch@snet.net.  We...

You are invited to join a Bible study on the Psalms!

Led by Laura Kisthardt, Ministerial Intern from Yale Divinity School. We will meet weekly on Wednesdays at 9am in the Fellowship Room. We will be studying the Psalms using the book Finding Your Voice in the Psalms: an Invitation to Honest Prayer by Elizabeth J. Canham. If you would like a physical copy of the book, copies are available for $12. Email ...


 Charity Trivia Night is BAAACK!!

October 6th from 8 to 10 PM in the Fellowship Hall. $10 per person at the door, all proceeds go to the winning team's charity of choice. Snacks provided. RSVP with your team of 6 or fewer to RLStevens925@gmail.com by October 4th. This is a 21-and-over event, BYOB....


If eating and socializing is your idea of cardio, the come to "GYMM!"

GYMM (Generation Y and Millennial Ministries) Group
GYMM will be having Dinner and Discussion on the second and fourth Sundays in February and March from 5-7 PM in the Fellowship Room. This is a chance for the young(-ish) adults of the church and their families to share a meal...

Contemplative Prayer

Resumes Monday, September 24th

Pastor Clare is on sabbatical this fall, but not to worry, the Contemplative Prayer Group will continue! Our sabbatical staff pastor, Gabby, and our ministerial intern, Laura, will give leadership to the Contemplative Prayer Group. You are invited to attend and see if...

Join the Bell or Chime Choir!

The Bell Choir (adults and older children) rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm and The Chime Choir (children) rehearses on Sunday at 9:15 am in the Bell Choir Rm. Please contact Susie Hawthorne 203-314-0274 for more information. New ringers welcome!
