Featured Events

Please also visit our past events stories using the links to the right for previous years events. >>


Inter-Faith Blood Drive

You can help!  Interfaith Blood Drive: Thursday, Feb. 22 1:45-7:30pm AT SGC
There is a severe shortage at our Blood Bank due to weather conditions and illnesses such as the flu. As a result, many blood drives have been cancelled, and the supply of all blood products is dangerously low.   If you are at least 17 year's old, weigh at least 110 pounds...

Abraham's Tent

Abraham’s Tent – Monday, Feb. 19 through Sunday, Feb. 25
In the winter of 2009 Spring Glen Church was one of the original faith communities to open its doors to provide housing for a week to a dozen or so homeless men.  This program, known as Abraham’s Tent, is organized by Columbus House, which is the primary agency...

SGC Day of Fun!!

Day of Fun Retreat: Saturday February 10
A different kind of retreat. Sharing the hobbies that feed our spirit.
Childcare is provided (for a nominal charge) for all on-site sessions!
Don't miss out on a day full of full and enrichment!!
Off-Site Pilgrimages 
Skiing/Snowboarding @...

Sunday School Notes

The WoRM or Workshop Rotation is the Sunday School model that we are piloting during Lent for 6 Sundays Feb. 18-March 25.
Want to be involved or visit a class or just have some questions, contact
 ev. Barb Frey (Director for Faith Formation) barb@springglenchurch....

January 2018 Annual Meeting

Notice of Annual Meeting:   January 28th, 2018  
The Spring Glen Church Annual Meeting will be held after worship on Sunday January 28, 2018, to receive and vote on the budget for 2018, and on Vision Committee recommendations for the use of Ministry and Building Endowment income.  An update on the status of our Pastoral Relations...

How SGC "Gives Back" During the Christmas Season

20 gift bags going to the residents at the Ella B. Scantlebury Home in New Haven- a joint ministry between Spring Glen Church and Christian...
